Est. 2021

Artist and Artistic Director Lauren Nicole Whitter had a vision to create a theatre company which incorporates issues of importance in our current culture and society.

Anansi Theatre Company is a company ran by and for Women of Colour.

A strong advocate for the destigmatization of mental health, Lauren wants all women of colour to have a space to create, share and feel safe in doing so. Lauren also wants the vision to transcend through all levels of society including hard to reach communities and young people. Women identifying disability communities and the LGBTQ+ community are also a part of the solution in making our society safer, diverse, accessible and inclusive.

Intersectional women are at the heart of Anansi Theatre Company. With a brilliant team of creative women of colour who identify within many other protected characteristics, Anansi Theatre Company is ready to change the world.

We were extremely excited to be an Associate Company of Derby Theatre last year and we have been supported by many theatres and organisations in Derby and beyond.

We provide workshops, creative sessions and performances for children, young people and adults.

For us creating a space for women of colour specifically means, a space of empowerment and solidarity for those who identify as women of colour which provides a commitment with other oppressed women of colour who have been minoritized.

We feel that this definition most suits us, ‘Women of colour is a term used to describe women of racial, ethnic and religious minority backgrounds; women who are not white; or women who experience racism. The term ‘woman’ is used here to include all those self-identifying as women and is deliberately inclusive of members of the non-binary and transgender communities.’

Think of this like a meal,
You’re a meat eater but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy food from the vegetarian menu.

The focus of this theatre company is for those demographics for a reason, however just because you might not fit these, and the content isn’t specifically catered to you, that doesn’t mean that you might not still find something to connect with and learn from.


We are always learning at Anansi and appreciate any opportunity to be supported and guided in how we can further welcome those we want to
support and uplift.

Additionally, if you don’t know…ask!
We welcome open conversation and discussions.